It's so hard now because Phillip doesn't like to travel or leave home anymore. Paul lives in Boise now and really doesn't have the money to travel a lot and then there's me in Seattle and my parents in Lewiston. We're so spread out and the holidays just aren't the same.

I'm really going to miss our cat when she goes. Boots is the longest pet we've ever had and she's the cutest thing ever. Always demanding attention and pretending she's never been fed before in her entire life. She's a sneaky little cat.
Boots is now 16 or so...she's definitely on her last legs (no pun intended). She has personality for sure. I miss being able to play with her and rile her up in the mornings. My hands used to have scars from playing with her so much.

Oh the memories of childhood. Getting hit in the head by basketballs, attending soccer games, learning to play instruments, sledding in the street, the car trips, the pranks pulled, launching golf balls with a slingshot, planting trees, playing in the backyard, walking on the fence...where has the time gone?
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