Even on the Wii, golf is still one of my favorite pasttimes. For those of you who've met me recently, you wouldn't think so based on the fact that I don't golf often and you won't find me at the driving range more than once every few months. I'm not the competitive type in that I won't persue my hobby full time, but I am competitive in the sense of if I play with you...I still want to beat you. ;-)
It's one of my simplest pleasures...whacking a golf ball as far as I can. Granted, I need some stronger arms, wrists, hands and pretty much everything else because I don't hit far, but nevertheless...I like to think I'm pretty decent. If I didn't have a job and I wasn't responsible...you'd probably find me at a golf course as often as possible. I love morning golf when the sun is rising and there's mist over the lake. I love the anguish over hitting a water hazard or slicing into a bunker. No matter what the outcome is, if I get a Birdie, Par, Double Bogey or I just don't want to admit that I suck, it's still a great game for me. I can play with my parents...I can play with my friends and I can play with my coworkers. It's an easy game to pick up and is accessible to most people.
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