Sunday, November 29, 2009

Black Friday

Originally uploaded by kharms5253

As we were waiting for dinner, some of my family decided to visit and look through the ads for Black Friday. I wasn't able to find a lot of things that I actually wanted. There were cute sweaters and significant sales on a variety of items, but nothing I was willing to get up in the wee dawn to purchase.

I was lucky on Friday. My mom bought be plates in the morning...I missed the crowds and enjoyed a beautiful Seattle day at Greenlake with my parents mid-morning and a tasty lunch at Via Tribunali. Afterwards, my dad wanted to go downtown so we ended up making a pit stop at Macy's, but at least it was after the parade and things had calmed down a teensy bit.

It's fun to see the winter spirit outside of shopping. I love seeing Christmas Lights. I just wish it could snow here and not shut the city down. To have snow and lights would be wonderful. I'd love to take pictures of that moment. Snowflakes swirling around Pike Place Market.

Later that night we went to see the new Sandra Bullock movie: The Blind Side. It's based off a book about a real NFL Player. It's Michael Oher's story and wow! It was fantastic. I think the movie was fairly accurate...there's a few things here and there...but he is a person who has an incredible story. It really makes me think about my circumstances and what I'm doing with my resources.

I set up my christmas tree today. In fact, I'm still attempting to decorate my apartment. Turns out some lights I purchased last year don't light up all the way. Tis a shame. :( Ah well, I realized my mom had given me my baby's first christmas ornament. I had thought I didn't have any special ornaments in my closet. As I pulled the bag out that she had packed for me last year, I realized my mom had given me a lot of ornaments that had memories attached to them. A clothespin angel I had made when I was little. A stuffed turtle and pink poodle that our cat would always try to rip to shreds at christmas time. Some Korean ornaments that my mom had specially bought for me when I was younger...she then got more when I was older. A moose we bought when we lived in MN. It's fun to decorate and relive those memories. I even got my bubble lights out! I love those things like crazy. Bubble lighs are like the best invention ever.

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