Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Microsoft Tag

Microsoft Tag
Originally uploaded by kharms5253

This is the tag I made on Microsoft's website. The idea is that you can make a custom bar code and put it on a product or business card. The bar code is unique in that it can take a person to a website that has additional information about the product.

So...you install the application on your phone. When you see something with the tag, you use the application to snap a picture of the bar code. The application will then decode the image and direct you to a website. In this case, the the bar code I posted will take you to my blog...which is what you're reading now.

It's an interesting idea...it'll be interesting to see if this will take off. People can make fun designs, not just triangles when it comes to these bar codes.

Go to the Microsoft website to learn more and download the application: http://www.microsoft.com/tag/.

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